
Louis Vuitton Luggage Loved by people

Jiang Wen's four-sword, "a step away" In addition to the film itself, but also allow people to once again focus on the Louis Vuitton Luggage, Louis Vuitton from Paris museum flown antique trunk, so the Jazz Age Old Shanghai more glamorous . This is the year after the World Cup, Louis Vuitton once again be presented to the people "travel philosophy" brand with the most ground gas child's way. Despite these movies and television, the big scene, Louis Vuitton travel culture is deeply penetrated into people's daily lives, then tens of thousands of blocks one Luggage, why let people willing to pay for it? Maybe the problem is the time the best answer.

Queen of France, from the Queen's Louis Vuitton Luggage start away from home at age 14 came to 400 kilometers outside of Paris, from 1937, in Marshall learning workshop making wooden boxes and luggage care benefits, as Louis on wood, dress, dressing supplies and accessories are familiar with, so quickly by the aristocracy and the middle class customer customer praise, Paris became the most popular women's care division. Because Louis careful serious and sophisticated craftsmanship, Marshall she took care of him together with the pack for Empress Eugenie, Empress Eugenie finally recognized Louis get picky, became her exclusive luggage care division. With ten years of accumulated experience, as well as observation of fashion trends and grasp in 1854, Louis Vuitton's first store opened bags, shop windows show the first piece of Louis - Aspen Dome Luggage . After the shop, Louis was summoned to the palace in addition to regular care pack for Empress Eugenie, she also began to create exclusive luggage, every are nice, proper layout of the interior space. Eugenie fled England until the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War, is still with Louis as he built 15 Luggage to organize clothing.

Louis Vuitton brand with 160 years of history is the history of a fake fight, Louis Vuitton Luggage has launched it was constantly imitated, 1872 and 1888, Louis Vuitton Luggage stripes were introduced and the "grid" pattern Luggage, but no change in the situation is a lot of counterfeit. 1896 Louis Vuitton's son George Vuitton, the letters L and V into the design invented Monogramm pattern, although it did not succeed to block pirated copy, but it has become a classic symbol of the brand.

In 1921, Louis Vuitton made "Show me your luggage and I will tell you who you are." Classic phrase slogan, artistic interpretation of the travel, luxury and dream-oriented spirit of the brand origin. Since then, Louis Vuitton Luggage space is not just a narrow place items, it carries the attitude of people to enjoy life and the pursuit of freedom of feelings, contact between the traveler is also more closely.

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